What is the Transition Care Program (TCP)?

The Transition Care Program (TCP) helps people who have been in the hospital and may need extra support returning to their own home. It is a 12-week short term program that aims to help you become more independent and confident.

The program gives you extra help at home to recover and adjust after leaving the hospital. It also helps you plan for the future. The TCP team at Moorditj Koort, You, your family, and caregivers will work together to make a plan that suits your needs and goals. As you get better, the plan can change to fit what you need. When it ends, if you still need more help, the TCP team will help you and your family find other community or residential care programs and services.

Am I eligible for a TCP?

Usually, your treating team at the hospital can help you find out if you’re eligible for TCP. To be eligible for Moorditj Koort TCP services you must: 1. Be an Aboriginal person, 50 years and over and in hospital 2. Have been assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) and recommended for the TCP 3. Be ready for a hospital discharge to go home 4. Have the potential to maintain or improve on your recovery 5. Are interested in taking part in the TCP services.

What if I already have other Aged Care Services?

If you were getting services through My Aged Care such as CHSP – these services will continue through your time in TCP unless they are a double up of services. If you are receiving services through a HCP – these services will be temporarily postponed whilst you are in TCP. Once TCP finishes, the TCP team will help you get your services recommenced if it is still required.

For more information contact us on (08) 6174 7000 or at 1 Sutherland Parade, Parmelia.
